Christian ruckmick the galvanic skin response
Christian ruckmick the galvanic skin response


While these techniques were once state of the art, they were faced with questionable validity of the acquired data, labor-intensive nature of collecting data, manual hand-notation techniques, and the inability to track key metrics such as biosignals, physiological parameters, and biochemicals, all of which provide real-time data pertinent to the health and performance of the athlete. Over the last decade, time-motion analysis systems such as video recording and computer digitization have been utilized to measure human locomotion and improve sports performance. Sports teams are continuously searching for opportunities to improve the performance and safety of their athletes to gain a competitive advantage on the field. The discussions in this paper highlight advancements in scientific literature and provide insight into the commercial landscape of this growing field (Tables 1 and 2).

christian ruckmick the galvanic skin response

This review discusses the application of wearable sensors to measure analytes from saliva and eccrine sweat affecting athlete performance and the use of such devices to assess the mental acuity and stress of the athlete based on heart rate variability (HRV), galvanic skin response, and biomarkers measured from eccrine sweat. The emergence of wearable biosensors to measure analytes from eccrine sweat to assess the performance and mental acuity of the athlete serve as next steps to assessing human performance.

christian ruckmick the galvanic skin response

3 However, these sensors require blood samples thus posing as a barrier to their utility in real-time monitoring for sports medicine. 7, 8 This has led to the development of commercial hand-held sensors, such as ACCU-CHEK® by Roche Diagnostics, iSTAT® by Abbot, and Lactate Scout® by Sports Resource Group for the measurement of metabolites and electrolytes. The development of electrochemical transducers has been especially promising due to their low cost, simplicity, and portability.

christian ruckmick the galvanic skin response

6 Biological and chemical sensors are increasingly viewed as promising alternatives to expensive analytical instruments in the health care industry when specificity and selectivity criteria are met. 1 These sensors incorporate a broad range of advances in microelectromechanical (MEMS), 2 biological and chemical sensing, 3 electrocardiogram (ECG), 4 electromyogram (EMG), 5 and electroencephalogram (EEG)-based neural sensing platforms. Biomedical sensors present an exciting opportunity to measure human physiologic parameters in a continuous, real-time, and nonintrusive manner by leveraging semiconductor and flexible electronics packaging technology.

Christian ruckmick the galvanic skin response